Intellectual Property Rights & terms and conditions - All copyright, database rights, trademarks and any other intellectual property rights in and to the content on this website, such as text, graphics, logos, banners, images, buttons, is the sole property of unless specified differently. The content of is at the discretion of The Site may include links to other internet sources. cannot be held responsible for the provision or display of these external links, and may not be held liable for the content, advertising, services or any other material available on or from these external web sources. endeavors to ensure as far as possible, that the information provided on this Site is correct and up-to-date. However, can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided on the Site.

Changes to Privacy Policy - From time to time, will update its privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future we will post the policy changes to our Web site to notify you of these changes.

This Site is only for users who have reached the legal age to purchase and/or consume alcoholic beverages in their country of residence and provided that the purchase and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages is legal.

By accessing and using this Site, you accept without restriction to apply these Terms and Conditions.

Terms for our tastings - You must be 18 years old or over to participate to our tastings. You fully comprehend and accept all of the risks, known and unknown, foreseeable and unforseeable, in any way connected with your participation to the wine tasting. Risks mainly resulting to food sickness, allergic reactions and risks associated with alcohol comsumption.